“Crystals can help to remove blockages in energy fields, allowing for them to flow, bringing the body back in balance”


What is Crystal Healing?
There are many types of different crystals each of which have their own unique energies and properties, and can be used to treat a wide variety of conditions. Therapy with crystals is a holistic method that treats the mind, body and spirit as a whole. Using crystals to treat illness is based on directly effecting the energies that are said to flow through and along pathways of the body called meridians. If the pathways become blocked then the energy can become stagnant and may lead to physical or emotional problems that result in ill health. Crystal Healing can help unblock the energetic pathways and allow them to flow freely again restoring the bodies natural vitality.

How does Crystal Healing work?
Crystals and minerals are placed on or around a fully clothed person to induce deep relaxation, release stress and pain, and promote energy balance within the physical and subtle bodies. The treatment takes around an hour and crystals may be used individually or in patterns. They are placed on sites of pain, on acupuncture points or meridians, or on subtle energy vortexes called chakras.

How can Kishan help you with Crystal Healing?
In an initial consultation Kishan will find out as much information as possible as to why you are seeking his help. He will use his decades of experience working with crystals to determine how working with crystals will benefit you or your animal. This can often be done in combination with other therapies such as Reiki all of which would be discussed and considered in your initial consult.